Paid Search           


Go beyond click-based tracking. We’ll help you identify advertising inefficiencies and automatically reallocate budget based on your best-performing ads, identified by our proprietary analytics approach. We’ll also make sure your website’s up to par so that Google finds it in the first place, because you can’t sell what they can’t find.

Display and Retargeting

Leverage the power of our comprehensive display and retargeting campaigns to maximize conversions and solidify brand recall – while focusing your budget on incremental growth. We use advanced measurement to show the true value of your display and retargeting campaigns.


Bing is one of the channels with the highest likelihood of strong results. We’ll help you implement the best bidding tactics to maximize conversions and ROAS. Regardless of whether searches for your product or services are branded or non-branded, we’ll help you get more growth with less spend. 


We craft personalized campaigns and content to engage key decision-makers, foster robust relationships, and accelerate revenue growth. Our strategic approach ensures that each campaign is tailored to resonate with the unique needs of your target audience, creating meaningful connections that contribute to long-term success.


Optimize your campaigns to reach high-LTV shoppers at the best possible moment. From Amazon to Google to everything in between, ensure you’re using the right formats and every available field in your shopping ads. 


We don’t settle for installs; we drive efficient down-funnel engagements and conversion events that lead directly to revenue. Focus your budget on finding and converting loyal, high-LTV users and leave vanity metrics behind.

Discover your potential with Blackbird. Our expertise in digital advertising can help transform your brand, blending creativity with advanced strategies to enhance your online presence.